Please Vote for Zoe's in the Aviva Community Fund

Voting is now OPEN in the Aviva Community Fund!

How this works: Click on the banner above and it will bring you to our idea where you can either register or sign in using your facebook account to vote. Once that is done it’s just a quick click on the button to vote.

Remember: You can vote daily to help us win!

The first round is from Sept 29 – Oct 13. Then there are two other rounds to get a chance to get into the semi finals. We would love your help to get in, in the first round!

How Will Voting Help Zoes and Ultimately, Animals?

Aviva community fund is helping to fund ideas by individuals like us who want to make a difference. By voting every day we have a great chance of winning $50,000 to help our spay and neuter program grow larger. By spaying and neutering we help prevent the needless suffering of puppies and kittens who are born unwanted.


For all the information regarding our idea, you can read our Overview.

Please help us make a difference in the lives of unwanted animals. It will only take a minute of your day, but by doing so you can help animals have a brighter future.