Boris Zale


More photos of me can be found here.

Boris Zale   |   Male   |   Domestic Long Hair   |  

Rescue Story:

I came to Zoe's as I was one of way too many in a home. A few female cats well folks BOOM kitten explosion!

Date of Birth: April 2018

Energy Level: Medium

Size (adult): medium

Adoption Fee:

Good with Dogs? Unknown

Good with Cats? Unknown
If cat friendly and proper introductions.
Good with Kids? Unknown
If gentle and understanding that I will take time to adjust, I would be fine with them. So probably older kids would be best.

Critter Twitter:

My name is Boris. I am Mr. Independent and I love to do, well, whatever I want. I'm a cat folks, don't be surprised. Usually though, that's just chillaxing on my cat bed, on the table, basically anywhere the sun goes I will follow. I do enjoy being petted, and sometimes I may allow my human to cuddle with me. But mostly I like relaxing in the vicinity of wherever you are, giving love blinks from afar. #gingercutie

About my Behaviour:

I may not be a lap cat, but I like being petted. Of course, I do need some time to adjust to a new home. I can be shy initially, new places are scary. I would be OK with other cats with slow proper introductions, but I would also be OK as an only cat. Never met dogs though so.. idk how I'd like them.. maybe if they left me completely alone.. kids probably the older ones that understand I am my own cat.

How’s my Health?

I am fixed, micro-chipped, dewormed and vaccinated. I do require to bed fed 3 times a day, morning, evening and before bed. Otherwise I will complain all night that I am hungry.

Apply to Adopt Me