Foster of the Week: Howard Stern



*Paging Dr. Howard! Paging Dr. Howard!*

We have a foster mom down with the sickness.

I repeat: Foster mom is down with the sickness!

The only cure is…………PUPPY SNUGGLES!!!!!

(The crowd erupts in laughter and awes!!)

Hahahahahaha!! I’m such a funny guy!!

I’m not REALLY a doctor. (That was a pretty convincing impersonation though, wasn’t it?!) But if I was, I’d definitely be DOGtor McDreamy.

He’s a bum man, right? I’m bum man.

I like attention. If I’m not getting yours when I want it, I’ll let you know. With a little nip on the bum.

Hee hee hee…..

My foster parents call me “How How” and say I’m more like Scooby Doo than my namesake. Maybe I’ll grow to be Howard Stern-ish, but right now, I’m a big ol’ goofball of love. I like to be near you. Really I prefer to be ON you, but I’ll settle for following you around the house and showering you with kisses whenever I can. I’m all about the cuddles too. My foster mom really is sick right now and I just want to be close to her. I may not be a ‘real’ doctor, but I know puppy snuggles are a cure-all.

When I’m not shadowing you or cuddling, I am playing!! My foster brother is a great playmate! I don’t have an ‘off’ button though, so my Puggle-bro has to let me know when he’s had enough. I’m good about giving him a break and finding a toy to play with. Or a sock. Oh, man… those socks! Entertaining for hours! I’m growing every day and have no idea how to control these giant paws and gangly legs of mine. I’m constantly bumping my head too. It didn’t stick out that far yesterday!! Silly head….

As goofy as I am, I have learned so much since coming to my foster home. My foster parents are so great, have been so patient and worked so hard. When I first came here, I was scared of doors and stairs and didn’t know any commands. I still have a lot to learn and work on, but I’m handling stairs and doors like a champ! I’ve learned a few commands, too. Although I’m pretty easily distracted……

WHOA! What was that?!?! DID YOU SEE THAT?!?!

That was pretty crazy, man. Right outta nowhere!

What was I saying??

Oh, yeah! You look like you need a friend! Go check out my profile and apply to adopt me!