The 22 – kitty foo fighters!

We were told about many cats and kittens in a not good situation. There were over 40 kittens and by the end of it, we took in 22 kittens. SCARS and BARS took the rest. The Alberta spay and neuter task force fixed all the adult cats.

Initially, we knew something was wrong, they appeared to be 4-5 weeks old but the vet said they were 8-9 weeks old. This meant they were extremely malnourished and very skinny. They require around the clock care from their amazing foster moms Pauline, Jocelyn, and Jill. Most are still very underweight. Sadly out of the 22, we have 16 left. After the frequent blood and diarrhea panels, ultrasounds, and necropsies on the kittens who passed, it was discovered that they have the FCOV and various infections. They require a special type of antibiotic, IV fluids and special food. We have already spent thousands of dollars on these kittens but we refuse to give up! Please consider sponsoring them or donating to their care!

theformer22Though they are sick, the 16 who are left never cease to warm our hearts. They love to play, and even when they aren’t feeling well they purr in their foster mom’s arms. Sadly Sly has been diagnosed with the deadly FIP virus, less than 5% of those who have FCOV will get this deadly illness. The vet says the others do not have a high chance of getting it and it’s not contagious. Sly is still happy and playing for now but sadly will not make it. Dignity is extremely skinny and yet very bloated, the ultrasound thankfully did not suggest FIP. Glam is still under a pound but slowly gaining weight! All the others are doing very well and we are hopeful for them. We want to give these amazing kittens something to look forward to, so next week we will start accepting applications on most of them and continue to keep everyone up to date on how they are doing.

The ones who have passed are Edmonton, Parade, Tinkerbell, Hamlet, Murray, and Queen. They are living it up on rainbow bridge.ripkite